How To Build The Immune System

The immune system is an essential mechanism within the body that defends against disease-causing microorganisms. However, sometimes your immune system fails - a germ gets past it and makes you sick. Would this have happened if your immune system was stronger? Is it even possible to strengthen your immune system to prevent sickness as much as possible?

How To Build The Immune System

The immune system is an essential mechanism within the body that defends against disease-causing microorganisms. However, sometimes your immune system fails – a germ gets past it and makes you sick. Would this have happened if your immune system was stronger? Is it even possible to strengthen your immune system to prevent sickness as much as possible?

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How To Decrease Stress And Anxiety

In everyday life, many of us will encounter several stressors throughout the day. Whether that’s at work, looking after the family, or on your commute, stress is often just around the corner and can sneak up on us when we least expect it. Stress can lead to anxiety, which can lead to a host of health problems that will only make your emotional response worse.

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How To Improve Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular disease has been named as Australia’s top killer, with it killing one in every four Australians. Cardiovascular disease is an umbrella term for conditions that affect your heart and its surrounding blood vessels. The term covers things such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and heart failure.

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How To Improve Metabolic Health

Metabolic health is incredibly important to the body as it affects how it processes food and sugar, and can even reduce the risk of developing a number of diet-related conditions. Bad metabolic health can leave you with a higher risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and even some cancers.

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How To Speed Up Muscle Strain Recovery

A strained muscle is when a muscle or tendon becomes injured from being overused, stretched, or torn. Muscle strains can happen to the best of us no matter what age or fitness level we’re at, so it’s important that you know how to speed up muscle strain recovery should you ever experience one.

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How To Detox Your Body

A full-body detox usually involves following a diet that helps flush all the toxins from your body. Our bodies usually have well-equipped processes to eliminate toxins and harmful bacteria on their own, but a detox can be the intervention or supplementation that it needs to get rid of as much as possible. Some natural ways to boost your body’s detox ability include drinking more water, limiting your alcohol consumption, keeping active, and getting enough sleep.

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Using infrared saunas for pain relief

Infrared saunas can offer a plethora of health benefits for users, including the potential alleviation of pain. For some, this treatment plan is so effective that some doctors prescribe it for people with chronic pain conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. Infrared saunas penetrate the body tissues deeper than other heat therapy solutions, so the heat can relax the muscles and improve blood circulation while reducing inflammation.

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Does sauna increase life expectancy?

Sauna bathing is a popular method of relaxing the body and detoxifying it through sweating. Many agree that it’s an effective method of relaxing, too, but that’s not all sauna bathing is beneficial for. There are a number of health benefits that frequent sauna users can enjoy, including an improved skin surface, improved heart health, and more.

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Are saunas good for cardiovascular health?

Sauna bathing is a form of heat therapy that takes place in a room heated by infrared light waves, electricity, or simple burning wood. Saunas typically reach temperatures between 80°C to 95°C (113 °F to 212 °F), using dry heat to penetrate the skin and promote a number of health benefits. 

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Red light therapy for dementia

Red light therapy (RLT) has recently grown in popularity thanks to its numerous benefits, including reducing fine lines, quickening the healing of wounds, and much more. Many users swear by its dermatological benefits, but these advantages beg the question: what else can red light therapy be used for?

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