
Steam Rooms Sunshine Coast

If you’re gonna sweat, make it a premium experience!

Steam rooms and saunas have been around since the Romans and the Greeks era. Since then, they’ve grown in popularity for their health benefits, such as improved blood circulation, faster recovery, reduced inflammation and swelling, and stress reduction. Not to mention that a steam room is also a great place to sit back and relax.

for 25 min total

Benefits of Steam Rooms Sunshine Coast

Steam usage involves brief passive exposure to intense heat at maximum humidity. This leads to mild hyperthermia – a rise in the body’s core temperature that triggers a thermoregulatory response, restoring homeostasis and conditioning the body for subsequent heat stressors.

Moist heat, as generated in a steam room, has the potential to enhance circulation by expanding the small blood vessels or capillaries. This dilation facilitates smoother blood flow, aiding in the efficient transport of oxygen throughout the body.

Alleviate Pain and Preserve Muscle Strength

Applying moist heat promptly after a workout can assist in alleviating pain and preserving muscle strength. The heat has a calming effect on nerve endings and induces muscle relaxation.

Mitigate Stress

A steam room has the potential to lower cortisol levels, the hormone released in response to stress. As cortisol levels decrease, individuals may experience a heightened sense of control, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

Enhance Skin Well-being

The steam within the room permeates your body, opening up your pores and aiding in the elimination of dirt and debris through sweat. This cleansing process not only purifies your skin but also enhances its radiance.


The mild warmth and intense humidity in our spa facility are likely to induce a light sweat, with the steam assisting in the opening of your pores. This process aids in flushing out toxins through your skin.

Pro tip
Having difficulty choosing between the Traditional Sauna and the Steam Room? Experience our Nordic Cycle protocol for a blend of both, interspersed with an ice bath to provide a refreshing cooldown!

Try one of our Steam Room protocols

We have combined Steam Room with other equipment into specialized health protocols


60 mins
  • Sauna: 20 min
  • Contrast therapy: 10 min
  • Steam room: 20 min
  • Cold exposure: 1
By actively engaging the body’s thermoregulatory system through a sequence of both hot and cold therapies the nordic will work to improve your circulation, reduce stress and enhance muscle recovery.


40 mins
  • Steam room: 20 min
  • Contrast therapy: 20 min
During this protocol, begin by relaxing your muscles and mind in the warm and humid environment of the steam room that will work to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation and help you relax and recover. Pair this with the rejuvenating and energising benefits of both contrast therapy and compression which work in combination to alleviate muscle soreness, reduce inflammation, boost blood flow, and foster relaxation – all crucial elements for enhancing overall recovery.

Our locations

      How does our Steam room in Sunshine Coast?

      Our steam rooms are like a traditional sauna in most gyms, but instead of using dry heat or hot rocks to heat the room, they use steam-making machines to produce hot air and up the humidity in the room, giving you the steamy environment you’re looking for. In addition to this, we can add essential oils to our steamers at your request, providing you with a lovely smell to enhance your relaxation and give you the perfect place to unwind.

      You also have the option of using a steam room combined with a cold pool for contrast therapy, giving you the health benefits of both activities. A popular steam room is the Turkish-style steam room, which has beautiful tiles and a pool for you to take a dip in when things get too steamy.

      Book your Steam room in Sunshine Coast today

      Ready to sweat out the day and refresh you body, book your steam room in Sunshine Coast today.

      Steam Room FAQs

      Can’t find the answers? Get in touch with us today, and our team of experts will happily assist.
      When in a steam room, we’d recommend inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. The steam and temperature of the room will help loosen up mucus and open your sinuses.
      You can use a steam room either before or after a workout. Before a workout, a steam room will help relax your muscles and loosen up your joints, getting you ready to move. The same applies after; however, helping your muscles relax after a workout will reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.
      Yes, it’s recommended that you shower after using a steam room. In a steam room, you sweat, and your body excretes bad toxins from your pores, which rest on your skin. Showering or taking a swim would remove the sweat from your skin. Instead, you could also go for a massage after using a steam room. Massage therapy is a great way to end off a steam session and can help stimulate your nerve endings, making your muscles feel more relaxed.

      View our evidence-based protocols

      We use the most up to date research to match protocols with health outcomes.