

The perfect combination of equipment for those wanting an efficient protocol to recover faster
  • Compression: 30 min
  • Contrast therapy: 20 min

The perfect combination of equipment for those wanting an efficient protocol to recover faster

During a 30-minute session in our compression devices, the pulse technology mimics a lymphatic massage optimising lymphatic function to remove built-up waste, reducing muscle soreness and inflammation. Followed by hot and cold pools triggering blood vessel constriction and dilation, enhancing blood flow, reducing inflammation, and aiding muscle recovery.
for 50 mins total
Group bookings available

Why the Nomad protocol?

Compression therapy and contrast therapy accelerates recovery, performance, and wellbeing by promoting waste removal from the legs.

Benefit 1: Improved Recovery

Our compression devices work to sequentially massage the lymphatic system, improving lymphatic drainage and blood flow which works to speed up muscle recovery and reduce inflammation.

Benefit 2: Improved Circulation

Alternating between hot and cold pools across a contrast protocol improves circulation and facilitates the additional removal of toxins from muscles.

Benefit 3: Reduced Inflammation

In combination the compression and contrast therapy within this protocol work together to improve blood flow, relaxation and circulation. Which are essential in reducing inflammation and muscle soreness

30 minutes

Stage 1: Compression

During a 30-minute session in our compression devices, the pulse technology mimics a lymphatic massage necessary to improve lymphatic functioning, in turn improving the removal of out built up waste products in the body which contribute to muscle soreness and inflammation. Together with contrast therapy and compression massage, in combination this will improve and encourage the recovery and healing of muscle pain, which means you will be able to get back to playing your respective sport or working out much quicker than normal.
Increased:Energy, Focus, Immunity
Decreased:Fatigue, Inflammation, Stress
20 minutes

Stage 2: Contrast Therapy

Following 30 minutes in our Compression therapy, the contrast therapy of hot and cold pools will work in combination to first constrict (in the cold) and then dilate (in the hot) blood vessels. These physiological responses to different temperatures work to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation and assist in muscle recovery. 
Increased:Energy, Focus, Immunity
Decreased:Fatigue, Inflammation, Stress
Science hub
Our Compression therapy has three specialised attachments, each targeting specific areas of the body: legs, hips, and arms. To gain the most out of this protocol, speak to one of our friendly staff to see which attachment suits your recovery needs.

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