
Contrast Therapy Pools Brisbane

Looking for a bit of change, try contrast therapy

Contrast therapy combines the health benefits of exposing yourself to hot and cold water one after the other. The radical change in temperature creates a pumping effect on our blood vessels, getting your blood to flow more efficiently. Other effects that are caused by doing contrast therapy include reduced stress, a stronger immune system, improvements to your cardio fitness, improved focus and last but not least, it’ll lift your mood.

for 20 min total

Benefits of Contrast Therapy Pools Brisbane

The alternating cycles of hot and cold offered by a contrast therapy protocol create a pumping action in the blood and muscles (similar to that produced by a low-intensity workout), whereby oxygen and nutrients are better able to reach the tissues within the body. Combining both hot and cold water immersions has the benefits of reducing swelling and inflammation, improving energy and focus and encouraging relaxation and stress reduction

When exercising, lactic acid builds up in the body’s muscles, which can cause muscle soreness after strenuous exercise.

Coldwater immersion is seen to assist in alleviating exercise-induced muscle damage post-exercise. At the same time, contrast bath therapy as a whole can significantly aid with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which usually only occurs a day after training, and thus assist with the active recovery of the body.

Studies performed with endurance athletes showed that cold exposure reduced the regular inflammatory response, aided the anti-inflammatory response, and enhanced muscle recovery.

Increase mental clarity and focus

One of the strongest physiological responses to the cold is a huge increase in norepinephrine, which mediates mood, attention, and other cognitive capacities. Ice bath regulars report improved mental calmness and increased energy. In combination with heat therapy, this can have long-lasting positive effects on the nervous system.

The current evidence base suggests that the breathing techniques used during cold water immersions regulate the nervous system and can assist with gathering focus, and are highly beneficial when used again during stressful situations, to alleviate anxiety.

Regular use compounds benefits

Regular cold training can reduce stress, help improve resilience, and rewire your brain to embrace uncomfortable situations. 57 minutes of heat combined with just 11 minutes cold per week is all you need.

Among the scientific evidence-based effects of this procedure is also an improvement of blood flow and blood pressure for people that suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Increased range of motion

The heat during the therapy can reduce muscle soreness and increase the range of motion by working toward eliminating inflammation in the joints as well as the soft tissue of the body.

Alleviates pain and swelling

Hot water temperature has been known for its relaxing effects on the body and mind. Therefore one of the key attributes of immersing yourself in hot water can be reduced sensation of pain due to less tension in the body.

Cold temperatures, however, are more related to reducing swelling and can therefore also assist in pain alleviation through reduction of swelling and thus an enhanced range of motion.

Removes excess metabolites

Exposing the entire body to extreme temperatures during contrast hydrotherapy is among the popular recovery interventions of elite athletes who are seeking a better recovery outcome post-exercise.

During a strenuous workout, metabolites builds up in your body, which is normal, but also the cause of your body feeling sore and fatigued. The pumping effect of your blood vessels caused by contrast bath therapy can increase the body’s ability to flush out metabolites and other toxins and even aid in muscle growth.

Pro tip
If strength and size are your primary training goals, research suggests that you should refrain from using cold exposure to aid recovery by at least 4-6 hours after training. This is because cold exposure will blunt the muscular adaptions following strength training necessary for muscle growth.

Try one of our Contrast Therapy Pools protocols

We have combined Contrast Therapy Pools with other equipment into specialized health protocols


40 mins
  • Sauna: 20 min
  • Contrast therapy: 20 min
  • Cold exposure: 3
The initial increase in body temperature in the sauna encourages the body to cool itself down through increasing blood flow and heart rate, contributing to cardiovascular conditioning, similar to the effects of moderate exercise. In combination with the traditional sauna, the contrast pools work to constrict (in the cold) and then dilate (in the hot) the blood vessels, creating a pumping like mechanism. These changes in blood flow over a contrast session, stimulates neurogenesis, increases endorphins levels, reduces inflammation, and accelerates muscle recovery.


50 mins
  • Compression: 30 min
  • Contrast therapy: 20 min
During a 30-minute session in our compression devices, the pulse technology mimics a lymphatic massage optimising lymphatic function to remove built-up waste, reducing muscle soreness and inflammation. Followed by hot and cold pools triggering blood vessel constriction and dilation, enhancing blood flow, reducing inflammation, and aiding muscle recovery.


60 mins
  • Sauna: 20 min
  • Contrast therapy: 10 min
  • Steam room: 20 min
  • Cold exposure: 1
By actively engaging the body’s thermoregulatory system through a sequence of both hot and cold therapies the nordic will work to improve your circulation, reduce stress and enhance muscle recovery.


40 mins
  • Steam room: 20 min
  • Contrast therapy: 20 min
During this protocol, begin by relaxing your muscles and mind in the warm and humid environment of the steam room that will work to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation and help you relax and recover. Pair this with the rejuvenating and energising benefits of both contrast therapy and compression which work in combination to alleviate muscle soreness, reduce inflammation, boost blood flow, and foster relaxation – all crucial elements for enhancing overall recovery.

Our locations

      How does our contrast therapy work in Brisbane?

      Cold exposure narrows blood vessels, reducing blood flow to injuries and relieving inflammation and pain. In contrast, heat exposure gradually warms the body, expanding blood vessels, improving blood flow, and promoting muscle relaxation.

      Alternating between hot and cold, in contrast, therapy creates a pumping effect, similar to a light workout, enhancing oxygen and nutrient delivery to tissues. This therapy aims to reduce swelling and inflammation, boost energy and focus, and induce relaxation and stress reduction.

      Book your contrast therapy in Brisbane today

      Ready to take your body to the next level? Try out a contrast therapy session in Brisbane today; you won’t regret it!

      Contrast Therapy Pools FAQs

      Can’t find the answers? Get in touch with us today, and our team of experts will happily assist.
      Yes, contrast therapy is often used in a post-workout recovery routine. Alternating between hot and cold treatments can help you deal with muscle soreness and inflammation and speed up your recovery.
      Contrast therapy does contribute to muscle health by reducing muscle tightness, improving blood flow and aiding recovery. However, contrast therapy is one part of injury prevention, you can’t rely on it only. Stretching and warming up correctly before exercising is also vital.
      How often you do contrast therapy depends completely on your preferences. For fitness enthusiasts looking to recover faster, you could do contrast therapy up to 4 times a week. On the other hand, studies have shown that 11 minutes of cold water therapy a week is more than enough to get the benefits.

      View our evidence-based protocols

      We use the most up to date research to match protocols with health outcomes.