

Improve circulation and mobility throughout the body with this uniquely designed combination of both hot and cold therapies
  • Sauna: 20 min
  • Cold Pool: 5 min

Improve circulation and mobility throughout the body with this uniquely designed combination of both hot and cold therapies

The perfect protocol for those wanting an efficient means of gaining the benefits of both heat and cold exposure in a short timeframe. Beginning in our traditional sauna for a 20-minute duration followed by a 5-minute cold plunge, this protocol is the perfect fit for those who are short on time but big on wellness and recovery!
for 25 mins total
Group bookings available

Why the Express protocol?

The Express Protocol is the perfect answer for those who are pressed on time. With the traditional sauna and cold or ice pool incorporated into a 25 minute protocol, the Express allows for the perfect contrasting therapies in a shorter time.

Enhanced cardiovascular health

Sauna exposure mimics cardiovascular exercise, improving heart function and increasing physical endurance through increased heart rate and blood circulation

Reduced inflammation

The perfect cold immersion for those who are pressed on time

Improved mental resilience

The Express Protocol is the perfect answer for those who are pressed on time. With the traditional sauna and cold or ice pool incorporated into a 25 minute protocol, the Express allows for the perfect contrasting therapies in a shorter time.

20 minutes

Stage 1: Traditional sauna

In the sauna, the body increases blood flow to the muscles and encourages the body to sweat in order to cool down. These thermoregulatory responses contribute to improved cardiovascular health, reduced muscle soreness and fight against inflammation throughout the body.
Increased:Energy, Focus, Immunity
Decreased:Fatigue, Inflammation, Stress
2-5 minutes

Stage 2: Cold Pool

For those pressed on time, yet still want the cold immersion built into their routine.
Increased:Energy, Focus, Immunity
Decreased:Fatigue, Inflammation, Stress

Our locations

      Science hub
      An efficient means to incorporate both hot and cold therapy into ones recovery regime.

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